IAEM Region 9 Inaugural Symposium - Celebrating Emergency Management: Live Long and EM On!
June 14-16, 2022 - Register Now
Hello Region Niners!
Our very first Region 9 symposium is coming up in 10 days. If you have not done so, there is still time to register!
The Symposium Committee is diligently working on bring the most amazing virtual experience as the introduce the Region’s inaugural conference Celebrating Emergency Management! Live Long and EM On.
When: Tuesday, June 14th through Thursday, June 16th , 2022
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. PST
Location: Virtual
Due to the growing concerns around COVID-19 surges, the Executive Board made the decision to move from in-person to virtual.
Register: https://www.iaem.org/Region9Conference2022
Cost: $75*
*Please note: If anyone is planning to go to Savannah, GA for the IAEM Annual Conference 2022, the Symposium registration amount will go toward your registration ticket for the Annual Conference.
Keynote Day 1: Kelly McKinney, Emergency Manager at NYU Langone Health
Topic: Surviving the Worst and Thriving On
Keynote Day 2: Andrea Davis, Founder, President and CEO of The Resiliency Initiative
Topic: Supply Chain Resiliency and EM
Keynote Day 3: Alex Rodriguez, Director of the Global Security Communications Center for The Walt Disney Company
Topic: Global Security Communications Planning for Dynamic Assets
All our sessions represent our members in all Region 9 states. One of the goals of the symposium team was to really reflect our region including those who are aspiring, mid-career, veteran, and retired emergency managers.
To see the list of sessions and presenters, please visit Region Nine’s conference website. You can also find the information on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn @iaemr9
We have many opportunities for businesses and corporate connections to support and participate in this year’s Symposium. All supporters will be visibly showcased throughout the symposium and @iaemr9 social media platforms. Once you become a sponsor for the 2022 virtual event, your sponsorship will continue to the 2023 Symposium. Two years for the price of one! For more information, please reach out to the Region 9 Secretary at iaem.r9secretary@iaem.com or visit the conference website.
Special Thank You To Our Symposium Committee
Thank you to the team of volunteers who are working so tirelessly in bring you the first IAEM Region 9 Symposium. We appreciate you bringing an inspiring and well versed conference to our members. We salute you!